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Online business ideas


The secret to a successful online business

Want to make money online? Check out this post: My goal is to help those who are just starting out on this path, or who have not yet been able to achieve the results they wanted with their Internet business.

The Internet has brought a whole new economic revolution. Online opportunities are primarily for those people who do not have expensive machinery, equipment, or production halls. They do not want to invest a lot of money in their start-up and are also afraid of risk. The list of online business ideas almost exclusively contains only online business ideas that fully meet these criteria. First of all, I recommend you claim your free gift. Just send me your email address and I'll send you a free list of online business ideas. This list of online businesses does not include the usual online business ideas (be a virtual assistant, become a translator, write a blog...). The vast majority are online business ideas that you haven't read about anywhere else. Send your email for a list of free online business ideas to: Please write in the letter how to contact me and in the Subject field, write: "Free list of online business ideas"

Top Benefits of Online Business Ideas

The online entrepreneur is not tied to a place, he can work from anywhere in the world. An online business can be run from home, on vacation, from a long boat trip, from a music party, from a favorite bar, from a mountain climbing trip...

The market for an online business is the whole world. You can sell your product or service to your neighbor, to a customer sailing around the world, or to a customer living on the other side of the world in a busy big city or a quiet little village.

People who are thinking about starting an online business often have no professional qualifications. Some people say they don't understand anything. A significant number of online business ideas do not require prior knowledge or qualifications. You do not need any competence (Only a qualified electrician can carry out electrical installation in the apartment, only a surgeon is authorized to perform operations. But anyone can sell the URL address of online ideas or run a blog evaluating products!)

It often happens that the person planning to start an online business has no experience. They are still too young. No problem. There are so many online business ideas that these online entrepreneurs can start and run. And the reverse of this is also important. More and more older people are looking for some kind of money-making opportunity. Among the online business ideas, there are quite a lot of ideas that can be managed perfectly with the experience of these people.

What does the data show about online businesses?

However, the statistics for online businesses are not so favorable. According to statistics, 96 percent of online businesses go out of business in the first two years. Only one percent will be successful and only one in ten thousand will be successful. Why?

When we look at the reasons online businesses fail, the top three reasons are:

1. The entrepreneur who started an online business chose an inappropriate online business for himself.

2. The online business manager does not advertise his online business at all or advertises his online business poorly. Here I would like to state right away that expensive ads are not the best. Many times, cheap, affordable to the average person, or even free ads can bring success to an online business.

3. The manager of the online business cannot sell his service or product. Let's just say he can't deal with people. In the case of online businesses, this is not a problem because there are so many online business ideas that provide business opportunities for these people as well.

These three reasons make up 80 percent of the reasons. The rest, nearly a hundred reasons, make up only about 20 percent. It is therefore understandable that these three reasons must be dealt with first and these errors must be eliminated.


It is also not uncommon for someone to collect a list of online business ideas for years, but never start implementing one of them. Such an "entrepreneur" will never make money. Online businesses and the Internet are not magic wands. If you want to make money with an online business, you have to work, just like any other type of business in the economy. However, in the case of an online business, this work can be much more favorable and pleasant, you often have to work much less, and it is not uncommon that the entrepreneur earns more with the online business than with a traditional business. What I recommend:

1. Spend a week going through and writing down the online business ideas you find in lists on the Internet. In the beginning, maybe ask for your gift: This is a free list of online business ideas. Send your e-mail requesting a list of free online business ideas to the following address: Please write in the letter how to contact you, and in the Subject field, write: "I would like a free list of online business ideas". Write down only those online business ideas that suit you and that you would be happy to deal with.

2. One day, read through all the online business ideas you have written down and choose the ones you want to work on the most. If there are more than five online business ideas on this list, read through the narrowed list. Repeat this until you have only three online business ideas left on your list. Not four or five! Three!

3. Get a clean notebook. Enter the online business idea that you think is the most suitable for you. Then create a plan to implement this online business idea. Leave ten blank pages, then write in what you think is the second best online business idea and develop that too. You can also leave ten blank pages and develop the implementation plan for the third-best online business idea. Do it all in one day.

4. Rest for two days. Don't bother with online business ideas, don't take out your notebook either. Go social (But don't talk to anyone about your plans or your online business ideas. Friends and relatives will want to talk about it anyway, because why would you be better than them and why would you know more than them. And others don't know enough to give useful advice be able to give.)

5. On the 12th day, take out your booklet. Set aside a week to prepare for the implementation of the first online business idea and start your business. Next week will be your second online business idea, followed by your third online business idea in the third week.

6. Advertise your online business continuously and properly according to your prepared advertising program.

How to choose a successful online business idea for yourself?

Good question. Most start-up online businesses fail precisely because of this: The online business idea does not suit the entrepreneur. To make a good choice, you only need to know two things, but very much: First, your own qualities, abilities, and desires, and second, what qualities and knowledge are needed for each online business idea.

Most people who choose an online business idea don't think about it. You can often read on the Internet that "Just start, and then something will happen." - do not do this. This path leads to difficulties and ultimately to downfall. Many people also say that you should turn your hobby into an online business idea. Not a good solution. On the one hand, you don't know how big the demand for the product or service of such an online business idea is, or whether it will have a market. On the other hand, your circle of friends, which may include your first customers, are engaged in the same hobby. They will not be your customers. I've also read that don't do anything, don't start any business until you've come up with the big idea. No big idea. People turn small ideas into successful big ideas by working, thinking, and making improvements. On the other hand, there are hardly any entrepreneurs in the world whose first idea was the big idea. They did a few ventures, the idea was polished, and then suddenly it turned into something that met the expectations of the big idea. And they weren't the first in that area. Before Google, there were many other search engines. Before Facebook, there were several other social networking sites. What are you waiting for then?

Three planners can help you on your way to becoming a successful online entrepreneur: "How to choose an online business idea?", "How to start your online business?" and "How to advertise and sell the product or service of your online business?". But you don't need these yet, What they would highly recommend now is a free list of online business ideas. Send your e-mail requesting a list of free online business ideas to the following address: Please write in the letter how to contact you, and in the Subject field, write: "I would like a free list of online business ideas". Write down only those online business ideas that suit you and that you would be happy to deal with.

What online business ideas do you have?

The truth is that there are already hundreds of online businesses around the world that are more or less successful. But it can already be seen that the success of an online business idea almost always depends solely on the skill and work of the person starting the business. I don't mean to say that you have to work hard to be successful. Rather, you have to work smart, and then you can achieve much better results with much less work.

There are also many types of online businesses. I deal with only eight groups, because they are the most common, can bring the most money to the online entrepreneur, and are the most sought-after online business ideas on the Internet. These:

1. Online business ideas for women - of course I know that there are no women's and men's workplaces anymore. But I think you have to agree that there are workplaces where the spirit and way of thinking of a woman is an advantage (childcare, family organization, cooking, event planning...)

2. Online business ideas for men - Just as there are jobs that are closer to women's way of thinking, there are also online business ideas that men can implement more easily (writing technical books, creating computer programs...)

3. Online business idea for the too young - It's unbelievable how much the age composition of successful people has changed: Once upon a time, the members of the older generation were the most successful, but today successful young online entrepreneurs appear almost every month. The reason for this is that some of the online businesses are primarily of interest to the youngest generation: online business ideas based on musical materials...)

4. Online business ideas for older people - It is said that IT is the world of young people. But there are some online business ideas where the older generation, due to their experience, can get by more easily (writing technical books, consulting, distance learning...)

5. Niche online business ideas - For a long time in the economy, the goal of entrepreneurs has been to reach as many people as possible. The Internet has brought about significant economic change that online economic enterprises targeting the narrower stratum with their unique problems are more effective (Educational counseling for parents of disabled children, provision of user manuals for specific computer programs, preparation of a cookbook for people who are sensitive to flour...)

6. Startup online business ideas - Online business ideas that can be started small but can be grown into a global company. This feature is present in many online business ideas. The size and rate of growth depend only on the skill, knowledge, and opportunities of the entrepreneur.

7. Passive Income Online Business Ideas – The passive income business opportunity has been around for centuries, even though some people argue that it doesn't exist. But there is, and relatively many people deal with it. Writing a novel provides passive income because it only needs to be written once and can be sold countless times. Passive income is provided by writing technical books, creating distance learning materials, creating digital materials, and creating Internet games.

8. User-generated content business ideas - Many IT professionals still see user-generated content as a marketing tool. However, this system was almost the first form of online business. These are Google and Facebook, but not just the big ones, there are internet advertising sites, internet dating, and dating sites, literary websites that display authors' poems for a fee, and sites that display affiliate ads...


Many online business ideas could be classified into several categories. But there are also business ideas that belong exclusively to one category. As I said, these are the most successful online businesses. But perhaps it is worth thinking about two more groups. Because, in addition to the above, these two online business ideas also give better results. These

1. Online business ideas with a membership fee (Clubs and games)

2. Subscription online business ideas (newspapers, videos, blogs, subscription boxes, digital products available for subscription...)

What do you need to do if you want to be an online entrepreneur?

There is no one right way and no one right method. I recommend the above-mentioned method because it has already been proven that you can avoid the most common mistakes with this method. It's not the answer to being a procrastinator who never gets to work. However, with this method, the vast majority of people find an online business idea that they can implement and are happy to work on. (Because if an online business in which you don't enjoy working would also be suitable, then don't start any online business, stay employed in a company. You can get bored and hate it. I recommend that you first ask for a free list of online business ideas for your gift. The free send your e-mail requesting a list of online business ideas to the following address: Please write in the letter how I can contact you, and in the Subject field, write: "I would like a free list of online business ideas".

You can request this list even if you haven't decided what you want to do, if you are at all interested in the world of online businesses, or if you want to earn a little extra money. It's free now, so why not get it? (Since this is different than most lists on the Internet, it may happen that the demand and value of the list will make it pay one day!)

You can decide whether to use the list later. But if you can't get it anymore, you certainly won't be able to use it.

online business ideas


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