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Planner for good online business ideas


How can you be a successful online entrepreneur on the Internet?

Are you an Internet entrepreneur? You cannot sell your product or service on the Internet. At the very least, your income is much lower than what you could get from an online business on the Internet. You're not alone. 80 percent of online entrepreneurs cannot sell their products or services on the Internet. 96 percent of online entrepreneurs make too little money online as an online entrepreneur. Of course, this is not a reason not to be sad, not to worry about your future. However, there are only three simple reasons for bad results. If you want to be a successful online entrepreneur, you must do this: Buy the planner, which will help you choose a good online business idea that suits you, and then decide how to proceed. It only costs $10. You can get more information from me by writing to the following address: Enter Planner in the subject field.

For beginner online entrepreneurs

Do you want to start an online business on the Internet? Or are you just looking for online business ideas? The best thing you can do is read this first. It saved me from a lot of useless work and unsuccessful attempts. Don't waste money. Rather, read and learn what you want to do as an online entrepreneur on the Internet.

Before you started walking, you learned to walk. Before you started writing, you learned to write. So if you want to be an online entrepreneur on the Internet, why don't you first learn how to do it?

Everyone likes the shorter, easier way. Everyone is looking for simpler methods. In the case of Internet-based online businesses, there is no simpler, faster option, easier, shorter path. There is no panacea. You don't need expensive courses, but a good chair, 2-5 hours of free time, and your brain. You learned everything with your brain. So when you want to start an online business on the Internet, or maybe you have already started your own online business, why wait for someone else to learn and tell you what to do? I don't either. I can only help you to avoid making the same mistakes in your online business that millions of people around the world have made and why so many online and other internet businesses fail. Maybe the fault is not in the online Internet business, but in the way, the entrepreneur implemented the online business and organized his work.

Planners for Internet-based online businesses

Whether you are a start-up online entrepreneur or you want to improve your results, you have to work. It's not much, it's not hard work and you don't have to pay huge sums of money for it. When you got your qualification, you went to school, but you learned from books and notes. Everything you know YOU LEARNED. Those who attended an expensive school do not necessarily know more than those who only attended a simple school. In fact, some learned everything by themselves at home. Why don't you try it?

There are only three reasons why your online business does not generate enough income on the Internet or does not generate any earnings at all:

1. You chose the wrong online business idea, products, service,

2. You are not properly advertising your online business, your products, and your online service,

3. You are not working properly in your online business.

One reason is enough for failure, but most unsuccessful online entrepreneurs have all three, or at least two.

What I recommend is an infinitely simple and natural process. And what is most important, it gives results in a relatively short time and the price is also favorable: Buy the planner, which will help you choose which online business idea to choose for your start-up online Internet business. For more information, write to my address: Enter Planner in the subject field.

You can easily and surely find the answer to all three questions with a planner. But I don't recommend buying all three at once. Start with the most important, the first. Once you know what kind of online business is right for you, search among the online business ideas and choose the right one for you. And once you've taken the first step, you can decide whether you need a second or third planner, or whether you'd rather try to solve the issue on your own. For the sake of the success of your online business, I would recommend that you buy the second and then the third planner, but that's up to you. A lot also depends on what prior knowledge you have and how much you can rely on your own experience.

Determine the type of your online business according to the planner

I've heard many times that if you have a hobby, turn it into an online internet business. Do you know what the truth is? Of the people who took this advice, less than 1 percent became successful online Internet entrepreneurs. I wouldn't advise you to go that route.

Some people spend weeks and months reading websites that offer online business ideas. I also have several pages like this. However, I do not recommend that you start work with this. Do you know what a long jumper does before he takes his perfect jump? He waits a single minute, then takes off and runs to jump. But he already has in his mind what he has to do. This is how every successful person starts. Well, you have to do the same.

I know some people listen to dozens of courses and webinars before starting an online business. Don't get me wrong, I also organized lectures and advertised tutorials. But I am amazed that there are people who will spend tens of thousands of dollars to be told what to do. Believe me, no one knows better what kind of online business is best for you than you. It just takes a little help and learning to figure it out for yourself. And of course, you have to answer the questions completely honestly. Because if you are not honest when filling out the planner, you are deceiving the person you love the most: yourself. It would rather take a little longer to complete, but be the best it can be.

Do you know what Bill Gates and Steve Jobs did before their extremely successful and money-making ideas? Nothing. More precisely, they received a free idea from Xerox and thought about what they could get out of it and what they should do about it. They thought about what and how people could use this.

Do you know what Ford did before it started producing one of the world's most successful car models? He thought about what kind of car people needed and how to make it. And he only paid for the teaching materials to learn how he could make such a car for them.

But many more such examples could be given: Nikola Tesla, Mihailo Pupin, Tivadar Puskás, János Neumann, József Bíró, Edison, Bell... Everyone did it this way. So why do you want to do it differently?

The other thing is that 80 percent of those who read online and other Internet business ideas on the Internet are almost addicted and already in the morning they think about where and what kind of online business ideas they will read. 96 percent of people who read lists of online business ideas never start any online business. It's not bad for fun, but you won't make money with it, that's for sure. So why do you want to do it?

Have you ever heard of someone looking for something but not knowing what they are looking for? You will probably never be able to find it. Rather, reverse the order. This simple thing is the key. Find out what you are looking for, and what kind of online business idea you need for your internetwork, and then start your research. Of course, not for long, so reading online business ideas becomes your job instead of actual work that brings results.

What do I need in addition to the planner to be able to move on?

Do you want to learn English? There are countless books, aids, videos, courses, and schools. But you can learn on your own, you just need willpower and study material. Of course, if you already know what and how you want to do it. And when you start talking. I have never heard of anyone who never started speaking English ending up knowing English. And have you ever heard of such a person? So the most important thing is to DO it!

In the world of the Internet, it is no different in the case of online business ideas. The goal is to determine as soon as possible what you need to do and start working. Because without work there is no result. At most, we can only talk about the fact that there are situations where you have to work less and more for other results. But without work, there was never any result. Ah! Now that sounded a little bad, it might have put you off a bit. But I think I better be honest with you. I also have to be honest with myself.

So there are aids, digital materials, books, and courses. Maybe you will be able to fill out the planner more easily with them and it will give you the direction to choose the right online business idea for yourself. I also sell such materials. If you ask, you can buy it. But you don't really need it. Neither for these nor for others.

You only have to sit and think for 4-5 hours as you fill out the planner. Only you are enough for effective work. I'm not saying that with auxiliary materials the result wouldn't be a shade better or the work a little easier. But they can steal a lot of time, cost money, and do not bring such an improvement in results that it would be worth using them. Because before you use them, you have to get to know the supporting material, so you need study and time. And you don't have time right now. Don't waste your time.

Buy the planner, which you can use to choose which online business idea suits you. Fill out the planner. But be 100 percent honest with yourself. Saying "something looks like it's red" or "There's a bit of red in it" is the wrong answer. Something is either red or not. This is the only way the planner will produce results, and you need results now. So:

Buy the planner, which will help you choose which online business idea to choose for your start-up online internet business. For more information, write to my address: Enter Planner in the subject field. By the way, the planner costs 10 USD. Are you willing to invest so much to do what will bring results and be successful? Of course, this also requires that you fill out the planner correctly and to the best of your knowledge. You know, that basketball player who makes a beautiful basket from half court, but into his own basket, doesn't get applause.

So buy the planner, spend 4-5 hours on it, and fill it into the best of your ability. After that, read it all the way through and you will already know which online business idea suits you and what you need to do. Only then start looking for ideas, but only deal with those, jot down the ones that suit you according to the planner.

How many online business ideas do you choose?

Even factories that produce physical products try to stand on more than one foot: Some enter the market with even hundreds of different products. I have never heard of a single successful factory that had only one product. In the world of the Internet, it is much easier and much cheaper for online businesses to apply several products. Three or five products can be introduced to the market without money in the same way as a single product. So why shouldn't online entrepreneurs take advantage of this opportunity?

I do not recommend anyone to apply with a few hundred products. In the case of large factories, hundreds of products are understandable, because they have a whole team of specialists at their disposal who can develop these products and launch them on the market. However, if you are starting a business alone or with just a few friends or colleagues, try to enter the market with much less than this, 3-5 products that suit you best. Of course, you can be a successful online entrepreneur with many more products, but your strength, time, and attention are largely divided between many products, and it is difficult to launch, develop and sell really successful products.

It is good to have more than one foot because the demand for products can change. Either according to the season or because new products have appeared. But if you stand on more than one foot and one of the products does not bring the results you expected, the other two products or one of them can still provide adequate economic results for your online business.

3 products are the best. Then you can deal with each product 2-2 days a week. (Of course, you can also have a different schedule, say that you deal with each product for 2-2 hours a day, say 5 days a week). You can also choose 5 products, but definitely not more, because then your power will be very divided.

It is good if you choose products that are aimed at the same target group, or if the products are related products.

An example of the first case is if, say, women aged 30-50 are your target group and one of your products for these women is the anti-cellulite diet program (you send them a weekly series of suitable food recipes by e-mail). Your other product is a weekly e-mail newsletter series containing detailed plans for online business ideas for women of this age group, while your third product is, say, a dating site aimed at this target group (of course, among these women some are not yet married and is currently looking for a partner, but there are relatively many divorced women as well). Here, you offer the same target group three different programs in the framework of three online businesses, but you can even combine them into a single online business.

In the other case, if, for example, you have an online business that operates a distance learning system, which provides online business training to young people who have dropped out of school and who, due to a lack of qualifications, have difficulty finding a job. Your other program is aimed at middle-aged people who lost their jobs due to the economic crisis and offers a suitable online business. And thirdly, for those who are bored of being an employee of a factory and want to start an online business that can be run with their knowledge and experience, you offer education. Here, too, you have the opportunity to run all three programs within the framework of the same online business, but you can even start three separate online businesses for the programs.

In any case, take the first step towards your success:

Buy the planner, which will help you choose which online business idea to choose for your start-up online internet business. For more information, write to my address: Enter Planner in the subject field. By the way, the planner costs 10 USD. Are you willing to invest so much to do what will bring results and be successful?

Do you know what a successful online entrepreneur looks like? He does what he loves, works when and as much as he feels like it, and has enough money. Would you like to get this feeling for yourself? Then take the first step.

Planner for good online business ideas


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