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User-generated content online business ideas - The king of online businesses


User-generated content online business ideas

In the article entitled User-generated content online business ideas, we will talk about online businesses that you can start and run without money and risk, and users will even do the work for you. That is why they say that user-generated content online businesses are the king of online businesses that bring new economic ideas, the best ideas. If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, you need to take 15 minutes to read this post. If you don't feel like reading that much, I can recommend something else: Subscribe to the User-generated content online businesses newsletter. Every week you will receive a developed plan, according to which you can start and all the conditions will be given to be successful. This newsletter is expensive. $100 a month. (Subscribers get the first newsletter for free, it's a gift). Up until now, it was possible to get one of these ideas much cheaper. But that's what it costs now. For a while. But don't expect it to be cheaper: According to plans, the price will soon increase even more drastically. The plan is not to have many such businesses, but to ensure that those who do start are successful and have as few competitors as possible on the market. User-generated content online businesses have one significant feature: the essence of their operation is much more difficult to find and copy than any other type of online business idea. If you are interested in subscription options, write to my address (  and write what you are interested in.

There is a lot of talk these days about user-generated content. Many Internet creators like to state that user-generated content is the great invention of the last few years. But this is not true. User-generated content existed even before the Internet. Most successful newspapers usually publish user-generated content. What content was included in this user-generated content group?

Primarily reader letters. In many cases, it was not the editorial staff of the newspaper itself that started the user-generated content writings, but rather a reader or even a marketing idea. When I was still running a broadcasting office and organizing record releases, I persuaded two journalist colleagues to write disparaging and critical articles in the newspaper about the first band I supported. Their article was published in the daily newspaper. After that, in the next four months, letters from readers that supported the band poured in. In the newspaper, previously one page per week was devoted to letters from readers. Within days, this space had to (and could) be expanded to four pages a day. The newspaper's circulation increased by nearly 20 percent. However, this was just a virtual advertising idea that worked on the principle of user-generated content. As a result, the group that sang in the language of a minority in the country and where this minority did not even reach 2 percent of the population, sold the most records. Even people who do not speak the minority language bought the disc and tried to follow the letters from readers in the newspaper that were created as a result of the user-generated content, to understand what it was about.

But user-generated content was an element in all newspapers, radio, and other media in the classified ads, the dating section, and the majority of the "expert answers" or "doctor answers" columns. The group of user-generated content materials included sections where readers' advice and ideas appeared. The latter was a kind of DIY content, which also far preceded their appearance in newspapers on the Internet.

Readers' poems, short stories, graphics, and photographs were also user-generated content type newspaper content. Many newspapers had a tradition of these. But where they wanted to further stimulate this, they started columns and perhaps competitions where a larger number of readers were interested and involved in the process of publishing user-generated content-type articles and pictures. Such were the beauty contests published in the columns of newspapers, where women published their pictures, and readers voted with the ballots published in the newspaper. The "car of the year", "housewife of the year", "politician of the year", "most beautiful house" and other similar sections were also similar. These all belonged to the group of user-generated content. One such action could increase the sale of the newspaper to a huge extent.

User-generated content is not just a marketing tool

Today, most online business idea professionals view user-generated content as a marketing tool. He is partly right. There is no more effective marketing tool. Because in the case of certain products and certain regions, at least 80 percent of customers buy based on consumer opinions published as user-generated content. So if you want to sell successfully on the Internet, you definitely need user-generated content to promote your product or service. However, user-generated content is not just a marketing tool. It is also the best type of online business. Just imagine: You start a user-generated content online business, then you don't have to do anything, because the readers, the users of the business, create the products and even pay for them.

What is user-generated content online businesses like? Let's start with the most well-known: yes, Facebook, Amazon, and Wikipedia. Of course, it would be difficult for you to compete with them if you are just starting out, although if you can supplement the idea in some way, it would be worth taking the plunge. Before these user-generated content-type businesses, there were other user-generated content online businesses performing the same task. However, the ones mentioned preceded them, they grew much bigger. Maybe you can find user-generated content online business ideas that you can use to prevent them.

Among the many important pieces of advice, marketing professionals who give advice on starting an online business always mention two. These

1. If you want to start an online business, never wait for the big idea. Start your online business as soon as possible, then either a big idea pops up, or a big idea for an online business grows out of your started online business.

2. If you are just starting an online business, try to simplify your business as much as possible. Because you can start an online business without money or risk if you simplify your business so much that you can start and run your business without any help or special expertise during implementation. Later, you will have the time, opportunity, and money to develop your business and prepare it to meet special conditions. But then it also helps in all of this that you can see what consumers expect from your business during the development of your online business.

Neither Facebook, Wikipedia, nor Amazon is known for extreme simplism. And it would be difficult to compete with, say, Facebook with a simplified social networking site. Of course, the solution can be if you find some kind of niche solution. If you are thinking about something like this, I recommend the blog sites or (Hungarian blog full of outstanding articles on the topic) or  and English language blogs, where you will find plenty of ideas on how to find niche online business ideas even among user-generated content online business ideas. (I must note that I do not speak English perfectly, you will probably find grammatical errors in the blog posts. But I am the one who can help you if you want to start a user-generated content-type online business.)

However, I recommend that if you want to start a user-generated content online business, look for a simpler solution. There are more options than you might think. For example, user-generated content-type online businesses are Internet advertising sites, true story-type sites where readers upload their stories, and also online dating sites. Of course, there is already a lot of competition between them. But who says that you can't know something extra that will make you better than your competition? Just think or ask me (

What is the hidden problem with user-generated content type online businesses?

It can also help a lot if you look at what kind of user-generated content the media, such as newspapers, have come up with. If it worked for them, it can work for you too. Of course, there is probably some difficulty in everything that needs to be overcome and solved at the start. But it's doable. The easiest, for example, is the classifieds page. The biggest opportunity is provided by dating sites (of course, there is also the biggest competition here, which is understandable). It's easiest to start with readers' poems, recipes, and reader reviews. However, you will definitely be faced with three questions. These:

1. If you want to start a user-generated content type of online business, you almost always find yourself faced with the question of how to ensure the amount of content needed for the first appearance of your blog, page, or platform - this is the minimum starting mass. For example, if you start with a dating system, how do you secure the first 1000-1500 members who will attract other potential applicants. If you want to publish classified ads, where do you get the 2,000-5,000 classified ads that appear on the first 2-3 blog pages to attract many readers to the site. Not to mention that a good classifieds website has at least 20-25 pages, but we can talk about hundreds of pages.

2. What and how will the user-generated content online business make money. Even those who are relatively at home in the world of user-generated content often don't know this. This is why there are relatively many user-generated content systems that can be used almost exclusively by the owners to obtain marketing materials, and there are only a few, less than a thousand user-generated content type online businesses in the world that not only provide marketing material but also significant it also generates a lot of money for its owner.

3. How to build your user-generated content business step by step in a short period and how can you achieve that your business becomes a money-generating machine as quickly as possible? - this is the method of growing online businesses of the user-generated content type.

Of course, you can experiment yourself to find the answers to these questions. Because if you want to start a successful user-generated content online business, you have to find answers to these questions before starting. Otherwise, your user-generated content business is doomed before it even starts. And believe me, you won't be the first to fall into a user-generated content business because of this. In fact, you won't be the first to try to find the answers to these questions yourself. On average, 5-10 such businesses are started every day. And every day, on average, all startups fail. Some people close their businesses within weeks, some take a year, and I even saw someone who struggled for years before giving up. However, there were many promising ideas among these enterprises. At least 80 percent of them could have been successful. But usually, every thousandth will be successful and the real success is only found in every 100,000. As you think. You can experiment further, but if you want to know, there is a completely different solution.

Subscribe to the User-generated content online businesses newsletter. Every week you will receive a developed plan, according to which you can start and all the conditions will be given to be successful. This newsletter is expensive. $100 a month. (Subscribers get the first newsletter for free, it's a gift). Up until now, it was possible to get one of these ideas much cheaper. But that's what it costs now. For a while. But don't expect it to be cheaper: According to plans, the price will soon increase even more drastically. The plan is not to have many such businesses, but to ensure that those who do start are successful and have as few competitors as possible on the market. User-generated content online businesses have one significant feature: the essence of their operation is much more difficult to find and copy than any other type of online business idea. If you are interested in subscription options, write to my address ( and write what you are interested in.

Of course, you can search for a while to see if you can find a solution yourself. You have done this up to now and many people from Maas are doing this too. After that, some people prefer to try the solution I suggested. It may be expensive, but it will bring you money sooner and you can pay back your invested money in plenty. Think about it: Maybe by the time you accept this proposal, someone will already be making fabulous money from the solution that you are just trying to solve, you want to figure out how to do what, how to build your system step by step. I would rather recommend something else: (And not only because I earn as the number of subscribers to the newsletter increases - believe me, I will earn even if you don't pay - but also because with every day that passes unsuccessfully, you have fewer opportunities to earn more money.)

Subscribe to the User-generated content online businesses newsletter. Every week you will receive a developed plan, according to which you can start and all the conditions will be given to be successful. This newsletter is expensive. $100 a month. (Subscribers get the first newsletter for free, it's a gift). Up until now, it was possible to get one of these ideas much cheaper. But that's what it costs now. For a while. But don't expect it to be cheaper: According to plans, the price will soon increase even more drastically. The plan is not to have many such businesses, but to ensure that those who do start are successful and have as few competitors as possible on the market. User-generated content online businesses have one significant feature: the essence of their operation is much more difficult to find and copy than any other type of online business idea. If you are interested in subscription options, write to my address ( and write what you are interested in.

User-generated content online business ideas - The king of online businesses


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