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Selling digital products

Among online businesses, businesses based on the sale of digital products are among the best. Their big advantage is that since their production is usually done by the entrepreneur alone, it does not cost him money. What's more, you can find ready-made digital products on the Internet that you can get for free and just have to sell. Among these products, there are also those whose author gives away the right to copy and the copyright for free. In other words, all you have to do is list yourself as the author and you can already sell the product. What's more, if you know English and you don't like any part of the product, you can rewrite it.

Another great advantage of selling digital products is that a computer or smartphone is enough to store the product, no warehouses or buildings are needed. And it is at least as important that the delivery of the product does not cause any problems and does not cost money, as it can even be "delivered" by e-mail

Of course, such businesses also have their downsides. The biggest negative is that how many digital products you sell, that is, how many people you sell the same digital product to, only depends on how effectively you advertise your business and your product. And the start-up time of such a business is not short either. On average, it takes 90-120 days to achieve results, but it is not uncommon for 180 or more days of continuous advertising to start selling. Fortunately, the quality and effectiveness of the ad do not depend on the expensive form of advertising you use. You can even advertise well and effectively on free sites.

What digital products can you sell?

- The written text is best known. This can be a literary work, for example, a book of poems, a novel, or a book of short stories, but it can also be a technical book.

- You can sell the "one truth for everyday" type collection in the form of a book, where you collect quotes. The collection "Murphy's Laws" can be similar, where you list laws that are not about physical truths, but which usually turn out to be true in everyday life and are also a little humorous. For example: "An off-road vehicle is a car that gets stuck in the most desolate countryside."

- A collection of ideas, such as this collection, cookbooks...

- Local history publications, descriptions

- Studies

- Musical materials

- A collection of old photographs

- So-called low-content books. Amazon, one of the world's leading publishers, includes in this group all books that can be produced with little text. For example, the books on the following pages:, or

- Photo collections (Old pictures of a city, caricature collections, photo albums, photos of sports teams, players, musicians...)

- Videos

- Podcasts

- Online magazines, newspapers...

A separate group for the sale of digital products is the so-called Private label right type products. These are digital products that authors sell for you to sell for your own profit. There are different types and this is always indicated next to the products. There are those where you can only buy the right to sell. But there are also some that you can get for free. And there are also those where you can rewrite the product or list yourself as the author. You can find quite a few such sites if you search for "Private label rights" in the search engine.

These digital products are especially beneficial for those who do not speak English perfectly but want to be present in the English market. Personally, I would rather recommend these entrepreneurs learn English or translate their already written work and try to enter the market with it. Because the launch of the sale of PLR-type products is even slower than the start-up of businesses based on the sale of traditional digital products.

Step-by-step solution

- Search the Internet for sites and blogs advertising the sale of their own digital products and make them an offer to sell their product for 30-50 percent. It seems like a lot, but it's worth it to most people because they already have the product. So if you sell 100 percent of your earnings. On the other hand, 96 percent of them cannot sell the product alone. And they will still bargain and offer less.

- Create a sales page (Don't say what the product can do, what kind of professional you are, or how much you earned with the product... Just answer two questions: "What problem does the product solve?" and "Why will it be good for the customer if he buys and uses the product?". The customer should be able to pay on the sales page. Send the product to him by e-mail.

- Create advertising texts and images and post 5-10 ads per product per day on free Internet advertising sites and social media sites.

- If someone bought the product, send it to them. Thank you in the attached letter and send an offer to buy other products.

- Collect the customer's e-mail address and greet them from time to time (at least on name day, Christmas) and in this e-mail offer other products that they have not yet purchased.

Advantages of the business

You don't have to produce your own digital product. You can start working immediately and continue your online business alongside your previous job.

Disadvantages of the business

It takes a lot of work before the business starts to bring results. If you can't sell either, you have to learn first. But this does not require expensive courses. Look for posts and videos related to sales on the Internet. 5 sources are needed, 15 is already a lot. Stop. Always take notes of what you read and hear. For 90 days, start your day by reading these notes every morning.

What is the business's lead time?

On average, it takes 90-120 days to achieve results, but it is not uncommon for 180 or more days of continuous advertising to start selling.

How much can you earn with it?

In the online world, the websites, blogs, and platforms with the most searches are systems that sell digital products (such as Amazon...)


This is important not only so that you know what other work you can do if this does not work out, but also so that you know what other online business you can run in parallel.

Other suitable online businesses may include:

- Sell Private label rights products

- Sell songs

- Start training for sellers of digital products

- Write a book on selling digital products.

online business ideas


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