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Online business ideas

 Create a marketing plan

More than 99 percent of online businesses fail because they do not have a proper marketing plan and the online entrepreneur does not implement it accurately and completely. As long as there has been an economy, some form of marketing has been present in economic life. Of course, with the passage of time and economic development, marketing has also developed. The Internet and the online economy have brought an economic explosion in development that has not been recorded in any previous era. And this also necessitated the rapid development of marketing.

Look at the Internet: nine out of ten websites or blogs want to sell something. It offers the product or service with hidden or open marketing. And this is also logical: Millions of new businesses are added to the Internet every day, but the list of products and services offered on the Internet, primarily in the framework of online businesses, which are not backed by businesses, but "just" private individuals, is also growing rapidly. And every online business goes global. It's like a big city with millions of stores in the center where the residents shop. If you don't have proper marketing, your chances are the same as if your business was in this big city on the quiet edge of the city, in a dead-end street where there is only your house and you open a store in the yard. Even if you offer the best goods or products in the world, you will not have customers. Every internet and online business is your competitor and everyone would be in a better position than you.

According to statisticians, 80 out of every 100 newly started traditional businesses close in the first year. Another 16 will be discontinued in the second year. But in the next few years, even these will cease to exist, so that only every thousandth will be viable.

There is much more competition among online businesses, as it is easier to start an online business, you hardly need money to start an online business, and there is no risk.

And only one online business out of thousands of online businesses will be successful. Why?

To start a successful online business, an entrepreneur needs to know only two things, but very much:

1. The technological and production skills of your company to produce a successful product or provide a good service.

2. Marketing knowledge to be able to sell your product or service. You need to stand out from the crowd of millions of businesses online. And those who started earlier have already acquired some knowledge and may have completed appropriate training and school. Well, the entrepreneur running a new online business has to compete with them and get ahead of them.

Online business ideas


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