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Online business ideas for Women

1 - Remote conversation partner

There are things you don't like to discuss with your family members. And it's not just about cold relationships. This is why psychology considers it more and more important for women to have spiritual friends, and for men to have druses and buddies.

It would be a big help for many people if they were listened to (this is why psychiatrists and psychologists are so popular in American films). Most people would turn to a stranger for advice to keep their identity a secret. Once upon a time, people complained about their problems to pen-pals. The pen pal knew the man relatively well, but the distance was a guarantee of secrecy. Today, perhaps chat would be suitable for this, except that most of the time the people chatting know each other only superficially. Many times it just depends on the chance that those two people are talking.

Apart from that, the roles in the chat are completely different. One or more active people meet in the chat. To solve the problems, it would be good if one party listened to the other. And if you are willing to listen to others and the other person can be sure that you will keep the secrets you hear, you can be that other person. In addition to preserving the secret of the personality, an agency should be opened which would listen to people for money, and possibly give advice. The contact could be via e-mail, Skype, or Messemger.

This is an idea that has recently started to find a place for itself on the unlimited Internet in developed countries. All you need to know is that you are selling your own time if you use chat or Skype. And you can only have as many customers as you can talk to. If you choose the e-mail solution, you can have many more customers, because if necessary, you can even employ letter writers and consultants during the business's development.

Step-by-step solution

1. Open an e-mail account that you will only use for your work. The e-mail address should not include your name but rather draw attention to your work: conversational partner, spiritual guide, problem solver...

2. Open a blog with the same name as the name part of your email address. Describe your work, offer yourself to people struggling with the problem and write to which e-mail address they should send their letters, how they can pay and how much they have to pay. Update the blog weekly with a description of a problem. In the beginning, you have to look for the problem on the Internet. Later, you can also write about the problems that arise in your work, but be careful that people cannot be recognized. Confidentiality is the most important thing in this job.

3. If you've decided that you're going to work on this online business idea, advertise your business: Post an introductory and introductory text daily on two social portals and in the corresponding sections of at least five free classifieds sites.

4. Visit five forums daily, where you read the questions and advise at least 3 people, specifying your e-mail address.

5. The business must be advertised continuously. Later, if you do your job well, word-of-mouth viral advertising from satisfied customers will help a lot.

Advantages of the business

- You work with private individuals, so it is easier to organize payment for your work (it can even be done by phone SMS!)

- You don't depend on anyone, if you are persistent, you can earn as much as you want.

- You can have customers from all over the world

- You can place a small ad at the bottom of each answer. Either you advertise yourself or others for money (This means extra income)

Disadvantages of the business

- It takes a long time to start a business

- The business cannot be automated

- You only earn when you work

What is the business's lead time?

If you advertise your business well, you can expect your first customers within 30-40 days. Thus, the business is continuously profitable after 90 days. After a bad advertisement, the first customers and mass applications of customers are expected later. If you don't get good results after 180 days, you're doing your online business wrong. Either fix the mistakes (Be more direct with people, build trust) or switch to another business.

How much can you earn with it?

Relatively much. It doesn't take more than 15-30 minutes to answer each problem. If you charge 10 USD for the answers, your rate is average. When you have enough clients, you can work 6 hours a day, which means that your earnings can be HUF 180-200 USD per day, that is, if you work every day during the month, your earnings can exceed 6000 USD monthly.


This is important not only to know what other work you can do if this does not work out but also to know what other online business you can run in parallel.

Other suitable online businesses may include:

- Education counseling (you can work with, say, difficult-to-manage children)

- Writing, publishing, and selling a relationship book (Can also be an e-book)

- Career advice

- Leading a virtually anonymous group of addicts (togetherness gives members strength to cope with their problems)

Online business ideas for women

2- Storytelling center

It has always been popular for parents to tell their children. In the beginning, they must have only lulled them to sleep with their own fairy tales. Then came the story books, which the little ones could also pick up, but in the evenings the parents picked them up. At least if they had the patience and time for it.
Many parents don't like it and even more can't tell. That is why a storytelling center would have the right to exist. All you need is a suitable blog, in which the titles of the tales are listed. And when the parent or the child selects the title of the story on the smartphone, it goes to the previously recorded audio material with a link and the story is told.
You can use either a free or a paid blog for the system. In any case, it is good if you choose any of them, if you keep the recorded stories on your home computer because, in the end, this is the tool for your source of income.
You can record the stories yourself, because all you need is a good audio recording and editing program, and you can find a lot of such in adequate quality even in free form on the Internet. If you're not the best storyteller, you have lamp fever, or you want to find another storyteller for some other reason, look around among your friends. If you can't find a suitable person, you can even pay an actor, an acting student, or a university or high school student. Before you overthink it and start looking for people, let me tell you that variety is not the point here. Children are lulled to sleep by habit. And here it should also be said that you don't want to overplay the idea: Don't think in the video. The moving image does not have a hypnotic effect on children. On the contrary, it keeps them awake longer.
Later, the system can be improved if, for example, when you sign a contract with the parent, you read the following or similar text: "Sweet dreams (child's name)." and you prepare the program in such a way that the smartphone reads this text at the end of each story. You can do this for a special fee.
The advantage of this online business idea is that the user pays directly and immediately. You can organize the payment so that the parent regularly transfers the money to your address, or you can even use a premium SMS system.
Step-by-step solution
1. You record at least 20-25 stories. Choose lesser-known fairy tales that the children are not yet familiar with. The narrator must have a pleasant soft voice. Never stop expanding your collection of stories.
2. Create a website or blog where you explain the essence of the storytelling center, decide how the parent should pay, and publish the list of the chosen stories. Connect each title with a link to the corresponding audio text.
3. Advertise your storytelling center, primarily in women's newspapers and free online classifieds. Start promotions. Let's say there is a free fairy tale for children's birthdays. If the child gets used to the evening storyteller, you will have a repeat customer.
Advantages of the business
- The parent pays directly as a private individual
- There is little competition
- You can count on returning customers
- Based on the stories of children and parents, you can count on new customers in their circle of friends - word-of-mouth viral advertising is the most effective and cheapest advertising option.
Disadvantages of the business
- You need to prepare your online business in detail before starting, but it will provide you with income within a short time after starting.
What is the business's lead time?
- If you plan your online business carefully, it won't take more than 10-15 days to get started. The better the presentation blog and the advertisement of your online business, the sooner your online business will be successful and the more customers you will have.
How much can you earn with it?
- If you only get 20 customers from your circle of friends, who order a story for their child for 1 USD a day, that's already 600 USD per month at the start. From there, the system grows rapidly and the final income depends only on how much load the server hosting your blog can handle. A monthly income of several million wouldn't be a surprise for those who start quickly.
This is important not only to know what other work you can do if this does not work out but also to know what other online business you can run in parallel.
You can switch to any online business where children aged 3-10 are the consumers and parents are your partners: online puppet theater, online baby television, online foreign language teaching for young children, online writing lessons, online math lessons through stories...
Online business ideas for women

3- Sing to the baby, child

Child psychologists have proven that regular singing from an early age has a positive effect on a child's psychological and intellectual development. The result of this realization is that more and more groups are being formed where mothers with young children gather and provide their children with the opportunity to play music or sing to them together. Of course, the baby or toddler may hit the specially designed drum, or wooden or metal plates that make different sounds very clumsily at first. But as a result of such regular practice, the child soon develops a sense of rhythm, and the sounds of rudimentary instruments (percussion or plucked stringed instruments) become more and more regular.

This development is strengthened if the child is sung to since infancy. Of course, not all parents have an ear for music. Except for a few, the parents do not know which songs the child understands at a given age or can only enjoy based on his mood. This knowledge can indeed be easily acquired from specialist books or internet sites. But the knowledge of the knowledge does not mean that the parent can immediately sing the given song. And this is the basis of the online business idea:

Start a website that publishes a list of songs suitable for children of different ages. And after paying by phone, the children can listen to the song immediately via the parent's smartphone. (Audio recording can be downloaded once, similar to music audio materials). You can supplement the page with advice for parents, suggestions for suitable music games, and advertising (Paid advertising for the manufacturers of the game, which you can supplement with a recommendation -. Such advertising, where the product is recommended with expert advice accompanied by the classic advertising text, forms a separate, higher price category).

Have a separate page where interviews with pediatricians and psychologists appear. They will advertise your site and the opportunity, but of course, the interview also helps and increases their social recognition.

You can record the songs yourself, but you can also ask your friends and acquaintances to do so. In fact, you can even pay people to sing some songs for you.

Step-by-step solution

1. Open a blog. The first text on the blog page tells you how to use the page. Direct the parent to the song selection page, where they can also use the payment option. The rest of the text on the first page changes according to your needs. Start a separate page where you, as a professional, give your opinion on some games that help children's development. 2-3 such opinions will be enough. (Then contact the creators of the children's game by e-mail and tell them that they can get such an ad for, say, 100 USD a week, of course at the beginning of the page, before the reviews already above. Start a page where you similarly present children's books, then write to the publishers in the same way and authors (you can collect the titles in a bookstore), as well as bookstores. The published advertisers will promote your blog themselves. Finally, open a page where you interview a pediatrician or psychologist (who will praise your blog because it is featured in it and will also promote it).

2. Create or create 20-25 songs and publish their titles on the song selection page. Connect the song titles to the song to be downloaded with a link, but in such a way that the link allows the download only after payment (say payment by phone SMS).

3. Advertise your blog daily on 5-6 free Internet advertisers on sites for women or mothers. Visit a forum every day that deals with the topic and answer the questions asked along with displaying the URL of your blog.

Advantages of the business

- You can involve a relatively large number of people in the promotion of your blog

- Some of the content is written by the users (offers, opinions of doctors, parents, teachers, advertisements of toy factories)

- You can count on several types of income

- If the preparation is good, the site will generate money after a very short time

Disadvantages of the business

- A relatively complex system, but it can be perfectly assembled in 20-30 days

- It is possible that you will need programming expertise to build the blog system. Then it costs money, but you can find a good programmer who will create the blog for about USD 700, teach you how to use it, and fill it with the content you provide.

What is the business's lead time?

You can start advertising in parallel with the construction of the system because certain contents (reviews of games, expert opinions of doctors, teachers, interviews) will already be readable on it. This way, the system can generate money even after 30 days.

How much can you earn with it?

A lot and constantly. The only question is how clever you will be and how you can take advantage of the opportunities.


This is important not only so that you know what other work you can do if this does not work out, but also so that you know what other online business you can run in parallel.

Other suitable online businesses may include:

- Child education consultant

- Storytelling center

Online business ideas for women


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